README.txt 3.0 KB

  1. NSSM: The Non-Sucking Service Manager
  2. Version 2.0, 2006-09-09
  3. NSSM is a service helper program similar to srvany and cygrunsrv. It can
  4. start any application as an NT service and will restart the service if it
  5. fails for any reason.
  6. NSSM also has a graphical service installer and remover.
  7. Since version 2.0, the GUI can be bypassed by entering all appropriate
  8. options on the command line.
  9. Usage
  10. -----
  11. In the usage notes below, arguments to the program may be written in angle
  12. brackets and/or square brackets. <string> means you must insert the
  13. appropriate string and [<string>] means the string is optional. See the
  14. examples below...
  15. Installation using the GUI
  16. --------------------------
  17. To install a service, run
  18. nssm install <servicename>
  19. You will be prompted to enter the full path to the application you wish
  20. to run and any command line options to pass to that application.
  21. Use the system service manager (services.msc) to control advanced service
  22. properties such as startup method and desktop interaction. NSSM may
  23. support these options at a later time...
  24. Installation using the command line
  25. -----------------------------------
  26. To install a service, run
  27. nssm install <servicename> <application> [<options>]
  28. NSSM will then attempt to install a service which runs the named application
  29. with the given options (if you specified any).
  30. Don't forget to enclose paths in "quotes" if they contain spaces!
  31. Managing the service
  32. --------------------
  33. NSSM will launch the application listed in the registry when you send it a
  34. start signal and will terminate it when you send a stop signal. So far, so
  35. much like srvany. But NSSM is the Non-Sucking service manager and will take
  36. action if/when the application dies.
  37. NSSM will try to restart itself if it notices that the application died but
  38. you didn't send it a stop signal. NSSM will keep trying, pausing 30 seconds
  39. between each attempt, until the service is successfully started or you send
  40. it a stop signal.
  41. Removing services using the GUI
  42. -------------------------------
  43. NSSM can also remove services. Run
  44. nssm remove <servicename>
  45. to remove a service. You will prompted for confirmation before the service
  46. is removed. Try not to remove essential system services...
  47. Removing service using the command line
  48. ---------------------------------------
  49. To remove a service without confirmation from the GUI, run
  50. nssm remove <servicename> confirm
  51. Try not to remove essential system services...
  52. Example usage
  53. -------------
  54. To install an Unreal Tournament server:
  55. nssm install UT2004 c:\games\ut2004\system\ucc.exe server
  56. To remove the server:
  57. nssm remove UT2004 confirm
  58. Building NSSM from source
  59. -------------------------
  60. NSSM is known to compile with Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio 2005.
  61. Licence
  62. -------
  63. NSSM is public domain. You may unconditionally use it and/or its source code
  64. for any purpose you wish.