README.txt 13 KB

  1. NSSM: The Non-Sucking Service Manager
  2. Version 2.18, 2013-11-15
  3. NSSM is a service helper program similar to srvany and cygrunsrv. It can
  4. start any application as an NT service and will restart the service if it
  5. fails for any reason.
  6. NSSM also has a graphical service installer and remover.
  7. Full documentation can be found online at
  9. Since version 2.0, the GUI can be bypassed by entering all appropriate
  10. options on the command line.
  11. Since version 2.1, NSSM can be compiled for x64 platforms.
  12. Thanks Benjamin Mayrargue.
  13. Since version 2.2, NSSM can be configured to take different actions
  14. based on the exit code of the managed application.
  15. Since version 2.3, NSSM logs to the Windows event log more elegantly.
  16. Since version 2.5, NSSM respects environment variables in its parameters.
  17. Since version 2.8, NSSM tries harder to shut down the managed application
  18. gracefully and throttles restart attempts if the application doesn't run
  19. for a minimum amount of time.
  20. Since version 2.11, NSSM respects srvany's AppEnvironment parameter.
  21. Since version 2.13, NSSM is translated into French.
  22. Thanks François-Régis Tardy.
  23. Since version 2.15, NSSM is translated into Italian.
  24. Thanks Riccardo Gusmeroli.
  25. Since version 2.17, NSSM can try to shut down console applications by
  26. simulating a Control-C keypress. If they have installed a handler routine
  27. they can clean up and shut down gracefully on receipt of the event.
  28. Since version 2.17, NSSM can redirect the managed application's I/O streams
  29. to an arbitrary path.
  30. Since version 2.18, NSSM can be configured to wait a user-specified amount
  31. of time for the application to exit when shutting down.
  32. Usage
  33. -----
  34. In the usage notes below, arguments to the program may be written in angle
  35. brackets and/or square brackets. <string> means you must insert the
  36. appropriate string and [<string>] means the string is optional. See the
  37. examples below...
  38. Installation using the GUI
  39. --------------------------
  40. To install a service, run
  41. nssm install <servicename>
  42. You will be prompted to enter the full path to the application you wish
  43. to run and any command line options to pass to that application.
  44. Use the system service manager (services.msc) to control advanced service
  45. properties such as startup method and desktop interaction. NSSM may
  46. support these options at a later time...
  47. Installation using the command line
  48. -----------------------------------
  49. To install a service, run
  50. nssm install <servicename> <application> [<options>]
  51. NSSM will then attempt to install a service which runs the named application
  52. with the given options (if you specified any).
  53. Don't forget to enclose paths in "quotes" if they contain spaces!
  54. If you want to include quotes in the options you will need to """quote""" the
  56. Managing the service
  57. --------------------
  58. NSSM will launch the application listed in the registry when you send it a
  59. start signal and will terminate it when you send a stop signal. So far, so
  60. much like srvany. But NSSM is the Non-Sucking service manager and can take
  61. action if/when the application dies.
  62. With no configuration from you, NSSM will try to restart itself if it notices
  63. that the application died but you didn't send it a stop signal. NSSM will
  64. keep trying, pausing between each attempt, until the service is successfully
  65. started or you send it a stop signal.
  66. NSSM will pause an increasingly longer time between subsequent restart attempts
  67. if the service fails to start in a timely manner, up to a maximum of four
  68. minutes. This is so it does not consume an excessive amount of CPU time trying
  69. to start a failed application over and over again. If you identify the cause
  70. of the failure and don't want to wait you can use the Windows service console
  71. (where the service will be shown in Paused state) to send a continue signal to
  72. NSSM and it will retry within a few seconds.
  73. By default, NSSM defines "a timely manner" to be within 1500 milliseconds.
  74. You can change the threshold for the service by setting the number of
  75. milliseconds as a REG_DWORD value in the registry at
  76. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>\Parameters\AppThrottle.
  77. NSSM will look in the registry under
  78. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>\Parameters\AppExit for
  79. string (REG_EXPAND_SZ) values corresponding to the exit code of the application.
  80. If the application exited with code 1, for instance, NSSM will look for a
  81. string value under AppExit called "1" or, if it does not find it, will
  82. fall back to the AppExit (Default) value. You can find out the exit code
  83. for the application by consulting the system event log. NSSM will log the
  84. exit code when the application exits.
  85. Based on the data found in the registry, NSSM will take one of three actions:
  86. If the value data is "Restart" NSSM will try to restart the application as
  87. described above. This is its default behaviour.
  88. If the value data is "Ignore" NSSM will not try to restart the application
  89. but will continue running itself. This emulates the (usually undesirable)
  90. behaviour of srvany. The Windows Services console would show the service
  91. as still running even though the application has exited.
  92. If the value data is "Exit" NSSM will exit gracefully. The Windows Services
  93. console would show the service as stopped. If you wish to provide
  94. finer-grained control over service recovery you should use this code and
  95. edit the failure action manually. Please note that Windows versions prior
  96. to Vista will not consider such an exit to be a failure. On older versions
  97. of Windows you should use "Suicide" instead.
  98. If the value data is "Suicide" NSSM will simulate a crash and exit without
  99. informing the service manager. This option should only be used for
  100. pre-Vista systems where you wish to apply a service recovery action. Note
  101. that if the monitored application exits with code 0, NSSM will only honour a
  102. request to suicide if you explicitly configure a registry key for exit code 0.
  103. If only the default action is set to Suicide NSSM will instead exit gracefully.
  104. Stopping the service
  105. --------------------
  106. When stopping a service NSSM will attempt several different methods of killing
  107. the monitored application, each of which can be disabled if necessary.
  108. First NSSM will attempt to generate a Control-C event and send it to the
  109. application's console. Batch scripts or console applications may intercept
  110. the event and shut themselves down gracefully. GUI applications do not have
  111. consoles and will not respond to this method.
  112. Secondly NSSM will enumerate all windows created by the application and send
  113. them a WM_CLOSE message, requesting a graceful exit.
  114. Thirdly NSSM will enumerate all threads created by the application and send
  115. them a WM_QUIT message, requesting a graceful exit. Not all applications'
  116. threads have message queues; those which do not will not respond to this
  117. method.
  118. Finally NSSM will call TerminateProcess() to request that the operating
  119. system forcibly terminate the application. TerminateProcess() cannot be
  120. trapped or ignored, so in most circumstances the application will be killed.
  121. However, there is no guarantee that it will have a chance to perform any
  122. tidyup operations before it exits.
  123. Any or all of the methods above may be disabled. NSSM will look for the
  124. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>\Parameters\AppStopMethodSkip
  125. registry value which should be of type REG_DWORD set to a bit field describing
  126. which methods should not be applied.
  127. If AppStopMethodSkip includes 1, Control-C events will not be generated.
  128. If AppStopMethodSkip includes 2, WM_CLOSE messages will not be posted.
  129. If AppStopMethodSkip includes 4, WM_QUIT messages will not be posted.
  130. If AppStopMethodSkip includes 8, TerminateProcess() will not be called.
  131. If, for example, you knew that an application did not respond to Control-C
  132. events and did not have a thread message queue, you could set AppStopMethodSkip
  133. to 5 and NSSM would not attempt to use those methods to stop the application.
  134. Take great care when including 8 in the value of AppStopMethodSkip. If NSSM
  135. does not call TerminateProcess() it is possible that the application will not
  136. exit when the service stops.
  137. By default NSSM will allow processes 1500ms to respond to each of the methods
  138. described above before proceeding to the next one. The timeout can be
  139. configured on a per-method basis by creating REG_DWORD entries in the
  140. registry under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>\Parameters.
  141. AppStopMethodConsole
  142. AppStopMethodWindow
  143. AppStopMethodThreads
  144. Each value should be set to the number of milliseconds to wait. Please note
  145. that the timeout applies to each process in the application's process tree,
  146. so the actual time to shutdown may be longer than the sum of all configured
  147. timeouts if the application spawns multiple subprocesses.
  148. I/O redirection
  149. ---------------
  150. NSSM can redirect the managed application's I/O to any path capable of being
  151. opened by CreateFile(). This enables, for example, capturing the log output
  152. of an application which would otherwise only write to the console or accepting
  153. input from a serial port.
  154. NSSM will look in the registry under
  155. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>\Parameters for the keys
  156. corresponding to arguments to CreateFile(). All are optional. If no path is
  157. given for a particular stream it will not be redirected. If a path is given
  158. but any of the other values are omitted they will be receive sensible defaults.
  159. AppStdin: Path to receive input.
  160. AppStdout: Path to receive output.
  161. AppStderr: Path to receive error output.
  162. Parameters for CreateFile() are providing with the "AppStdinShareMode",
  163. "AppStdinCreationDisposition" and "AppStdinFlagsAndAttributes" values (and
  164. analogously for stdout and stderr).
  165. In general, if you want the service to log its output, set AppStdout and
  166. AppStderr to the same path, eg C:\Users\Public\service.log, and it should
  167. work. Remember, however, that the path must be accessible to the user
  168. running the service.
  169. Removing services using the GUI
  170. -------------------------------
  171. NSSM can also remove services. Run
  172. nssm remove <servicename>
  173. to remove a service. You will prompted for confirmation before the service
  174. is removed. Try not to remove essential system services...
  175. Removing service using the command line
  176. ---------------------------------------
  177. To remove a service without confirmation from the GUI, run
  178. nssm remove <servicename> confirm
  179. Try not to remove essential system services...
  180. Logging
  181. -------
  182. NSSM logs to the Windows event log. It registers itself as an event log source
  183. and uses unique event IDs for each type of message it logs. New versions may
  184. add event types but existing event IDs will never be changed.
  185. Because of the way NSSM registers itself you should be aware that you may not
  186. be able to replace the NSSM binary if you have the event viewer open and that
  187. running multiple instances of NSSM from different locations may be confusing if
  188. they are not all the same version.
  189. Example usage
  190. -------------
  191. To install an Unreal Tournament server:
  192. nssm install UT2004 c:\games\ut2004\system\ucc.exe server
  193. To remove the server:
  194. nssm remove UT2004 confirm
  195. Building NSSM from source
  196. -------------------------
  197. NSSM is known to compile with Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual
  198. Studio 2008.
  199. NSSM will also compile with Visual Studio 2010 but the resulting executable
  200. will not run on versions of Windows older than XP SP2.
  201. Credits
  202. -------
  203. Thanks to Bernard Loh for finding a bug with service recovery.
  204. Thanks to Benjamin Mayrargue ( for adding 64-bit support.
  205. Thanks to Joel Reingold for spotting a command line truncation bug.
  206. Thanks to Arve Knudsen for spotting that child processes of the monitored
  207. application could be left running on service shutdown, and that a missing
  208. registry value for AppDirectory confused NSSM.
  209. Thanks to Peter Wagemans and Laszlo Keresztfalvi for suggesting throttling restarts.
  210. Thanks to Eugene Lifshitz for finding an edge case in CreateProcess() and for
  211. advising how to build correctly in paths containing spaces.
  212. Thanks to Rob Sharp for pointing out that NSSM did not respect the
  213. AppEnvironment registry value used by srvany.
  214. Thanks to Szymon Nowak for help with Windows 2000 compatibility.
  215. Thanks to François-Régis Tardy for French translation.
  216. Thanks to Emilio Frini for spotting that French was inadvertently set as
  217. the default language when the user's display language was not translated.
  218. Thanks to Riccardo Gusmeroli for Italian translation.
  219. Thanks to Eric Cheldelin for the inspiration to generate a Control-C event
  220. on shutdown.
  221. Thanks to Brian Baxter for suggesting how to escape quotes from the command prompt.
  222. Thanks to Russ Holmann for suggesting that the shutdown timeout be configurable.
  223. Licence
  224. -------
  225. NSSM is public domain. You may unconditionally use it and/or its source code
  226. for any purpose you wish.